Studying in medical school was especially difficult for me. Although I sat in front of the class, I still missed a lot of what was said. Having a note service helped, but still some things were missed. Therefore, I spent extra time reading. Getting up at 0400 hours was not unusual. I would go for a run in the morning, and then hit the books. My support system evolved around my closest friends. But none of them usually got up early with me. I would read for an hour, sipping a Red Bull, or local convenience store coffee. Taking multiple small breaks so I would not fall asleep was essential. Then came the lectures. They started at 0800 and seemed to go on forever. Breaks were lifelines of emotional oxygen. At lunch, I would break out my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and go to town. Sometimes I would try to take a power nap during lunch. Another 3 to 4 hours of afternoon lecture, and then we were free.
I saved money by checking out my text books from the library. I had to read and re read chapters right there in the library. I would use Kaplan study seminars on video tape to get ready for USMLE Step 1, or 2. After studying I would probably go to the gym and work out. Staying sane meant physical exertion and activity. I enjoyed intramural sports like flag football or basketball. In the evening, I would try to relax and that was when my roommate Eddie would be studying. Thinking back, I thought the medical school years were the best of my life. However, I am wrong, because these are the best years. The circle of life.
I saved money by checking out my text books from the library. I had to read and re read chapters right there in the library. I would use Kaplan study seminars on video tape to get ready for USMLE Step 1, or 2. After studying I would probably go to the gym and work out. Staying sane meant physical exertion and activity. I enjoyed intramural sports like flag football or basketball. In the evening, I would try to relax and that was when my roommate Eddie would be studying. Thinking back, I thought the medical school years were the best of my life. However, I am wrong, because these are the best years. The circle of life.