I love the Iphone, and asking Siri mundane questions elicits many chuckles. My wife and I can pass the long hours on a road trip asking her questions. You can ask Siri nearly anything and she has an answer. It may not be the right answer, but she can search the web if you want. She answers easy questions, locates addresses, and can carry a short conversation.
Being a doctor, I decided to see how far technology still has to go with medical care. Hence the following conversation with Siri:
Me: “I have a headache."
Siri: "I don't know where you are but you can help me find out. Go to location settings and turn on Siri.
Me: "It's sharp and achy."
Siri: "I don't understand “it's sharp and achy.”
Me: "My right eye feels like it's coming out."
Siri: "I don't know what you mean by “my right eye is coming out."
Me: “Can you help me get a doctor please.”
Siri: “I don't know where you are at but you can help me find out…..”
So as you can see technology has a way to go before people start relying on it for medical advice. Don’t ask Siri for any medical advice. Until further advancements are made, stick with the old fashion family doc.