This study is flawed on account that each group did end up
seeing a physician at some time in their life.
One group just got diagnosed with high blood pressure and high
cholesterol more.
What the study should have been showing is what the
difference is in those who do the annual exam, and those who NEVER see a
I think there will be showing a benefit in mortality between
the number of people who see a physician versus those who don't.
However, back to the study; the fact that both groups saw a
physician suggests that healthy individuals who see a physician only when
needed probably do not have higher co-morbidities, such as diabetes or high
blood pressure.
So, the importance of the annual physical exam remains the
standard of care for all individuals.
Finding that one melanoma on the skin could be the difference between
life and death, just as seeing the one abnormal lead on an EKG, warns of pending
heart troubles.
Annual exams are important really for 3 main reasons:
- Find
cancer. The annual Pap smear,
mammogram, prostate exam and the colonoscopy are the best methods for
preventive care in finding cancers.
- Find
Coronary Heart Disease. Complaints
of chest discomfort, tightness, decrease in exercise tolerance, shortness
of breath all point to possible cardiac or pulmonary diseases which can be
looked further into.
- Find Chronic Diseases. Finding Diabetes, Hypercholesterolemia, Autoimmune disorders, and Degenerative musculoskeletal disorders help physicians assist patients to improve their quality of life, and therefore their life expectancy.
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