I could have made pasta without sauce as this is what my kids like. I don't know why I felt guilty thinking about making some easy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for them. Those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were nearly my only source of protein during med school.
But instead I took easy way out- picked up the phone and called Simple Simon's Pizza as they have never failed me.
But instead I took easy way out- picked up the phone and called Simple Simon's Pizza as they have never failed me.
The kids have spent all day hijacking the television and 99% of the house while I was in the office taking care of business, paying bills, researching, organizing, etc. where did they get all the energy? And it's like their bodies absorb atmospheric adrenaline.
I go check on them every 30 minutes to remind them to drink water because they can dehydrate so easily.
And after dinner when it is my turn to be entertained and I go for history channel documentaries. Safe, boring, and a natural sedative for these adrenaline soaked eyeballs of my children, These documentaries never fail me.
After a brief psychological battle with the kids regarding the remote control and ending with my victory I search Netflix channels for my favorite entertainment.
Both kids crawl onto my lap and promptly fell asleep. It reminds me of reading Robbins Pathology textbook and easily falling asleep at midnight while in med school.