Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Smoking Hearts

If there was one thing you could change to prolong your life, your quality of living, and benefit daily from, would you do it?
I tell smokers to quit every day in my clinic.  I tell them to watch the Allen Carr YouTube video on how he quit smoking, how he learned to rationalize against smoking. 
Cigarette smoking is main preventable cause of premature death in the developed world—440,000 deaths every year in the U.S. 
Here are 6 things that occur when you smoke that lead up to a heart attack:
1.       Your vessels all over the body constrict.
2.      Your blood pressure rises.
3.      Plaque builds up in the vessels.
4.      Hardening of the vessel walls occur.
5.       Thrombosis can occur (blood clot in vessel).
6.      Heart attack.
Here are 6 reasons to quit today:
1.      Reduces risk of heart attack or any heart related condition by 50%
2.      Reduces risk of Thrombosis
3.      Reduces chances of developing several types of cancer.
4.      Improves stamina
5.      Improves senses of taste and smell.
It is the most difficult thing to quit.  I know that.  Wellbutrin and Chantix help your chances by 40%, nicotine gum, and patches can help.  But the first thing you have to do is make up your own mind you want to quit.  After that, it can be a journey for your body and soul—mostly for the better.


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