Saturday, December 2, 2017

On Becoming a Cubmaster

I have the opportunity to assist the local Cub Scout Pack 725 as the new Cubmaster.  In the initial training, I am learning about not only how to be the Cubmaster, but also about the purposes of Cub Scouting.

In the first lessons, I learned the ten purposes of Cub Scouting, and I plan to publish a series of articles in the local newspaper on each of the purposes.  This is part of a year round recruitment plan to increase the number of boys in the Pack, and to increase the families' involvement to keep Cub Scouting simple and make it fun.

The ten purposes of Cub Scouting are:

1.  Character Development
2.  Respectful Relationship
3.  Spiritual Growth
4.  Personal Achievement
5.  Good Citizenship
6.  Friendly Service
7.  Sportsmanship and Fitness
8.  Fun and Adventure
9.  Family Understanding
10.  Preparation for Boy Scouts

For each purpose, I will write a small article and anecdote to be published in the local newspaper.  This allows those reading to know and understand what Cub Scouting is, and to learn the knowledge we teach boys, will set a great foundation for future adventures.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Hearts Afire

This is my first novel's title.  A historical fiction, the year is 1780, during the early rebellion period of the India Independence Movement, as two people come together, as different as night and day, yet link their souls for eternity.

Kuyili, the army commander of Queen Rani Velu Nachiyar, over a 3 day span, experiences all life has to give, and then gives all.  This legend is a proud inspiration for all people of India, and brings to life the earliest female freedom warriors of documented history.  The brave warrior is well known as the woman who doused herself with oil and set herself on fire inside a British ammo depot to enable Queen Rani to win the battle and thus independence.

Jusi, freedom fighter for Kerala Raja's guerilla group, lost his heart and soul when he set eyes on Kuyili, and the fight for both India's freedom from the British East India Company and for Kuyili's heart raged like fire in him.

Edumo from Morocco and Cresh from Tunisia antagonize our hero and heroine as both worlds collide into the emotional maelstrom provoked by the energizing nationalist pride of India and the Colonial Imperialism and oppression of Britain.

Being an insufferable romantic, I am motivated by many brilliant authors.  Bringing my love for history, music, poems, and romance together in one novel might just be the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

American Sense and Sensibility

"These are times that try men's souls."  When Thomas Paine wrote those words during the winter of 1776 describing the hopelessness felt during the American Revolution, he ended it with the statement, "the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph," cementing therefore the sense and sensibility of Americans.

When Americans suffer, we cope.  The ways we cope are multiple, and varied.  Some take medicine, some get counseling, some utilize their hobbies or skills, yet we all are Americans.  Conflict in America today is the same as conflict since our country began.  Yet, take pride knowing that we all are sensitive about our rights--the freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, to peacefully assemble, bear arms, speak, or write. 

One citizen's pursuit of happiness is that one citizen's right.  It may interfere with another citizen's pursuit of happiness, and that doesn't minimize either ideal.  Conflict will always be.  Centuries of conflict have molded many countries, boundaries, and religions, yet in any one lifetime, change is slow.  Our young republic is a testament against the civilizations that have lasted millennia.

America exists because the individual citizen is sovereign, the human body is sovereign.  As I lay my hands to examine each patient I treat, I remember this person is the reason we are America.  This government exists for the People, it consists of the People, and it administrates by the People.  Political rifts will forever exist, and our young republic will grow, mature, and our citizens will cope, because We the People.  We are America.