Thursday, May 26, 2011

Want to Feel Better?

I am sure most of you all have been following Christine Morgan and her great nutrition information.  One of the most important things about nutrition is that the diet alone can significantly reduce most if not all chronic diseases!  I know we don’t walk around with shirts that say, “ I want Diabetes and Heart disease!” or “Give me Strokes and Cancers.” Go for those nutrient-dense foods such as almonds, blueberries, olive oil, and just about any brightly colored fruit and vegetables.

I remember in medical school one of the professors remarked that the oldest people in the world live in Southeast Asia.  What did we learn?  They eat less.  They are all small.  My professor said, “We could live forever starving, or we could die early eating to our delight.”  If we could count calories, we will make big strides in our dieting.  I tell patients to try to knock off 200 to 500 calories a day of their normal intake.  This will help with 1-2 lbs of weight loss a week--a far safer weight loss that won’t bounce back in weight gain.  If you can, try eating until you are sufficient, but not full.

I tell all my patients to walk 30 minutes a day.  We know that the moment we stop all activity, our joints get stiff and painful.  If you cannot walk secondary to obesity or excessive pain, try walking back and forth in a pool.  This takes all the pressure off your joints and body, and still provides great exercise.

I am amazed that most people don’t know what the SPF means.  To simplify, it means how many minutes of protection it has.  So an SPF of 30, should be re-applied every 30 minutes.  An SPF of 50, every 50 minutes should be re-applied.  Good skin feels better.  My favorite moisturizer is Aquaphor by far, but simple products like exfoliators and skin polish can add improvement to the skin. 

A recent NPR show had some great wisdom about sleep.  Daylight revs up our energy by increasing our wakefulness, so to increase sleep hygiene, make sure the environment is dark, and inviting, peaceful and still.  That means no television in the room.  It is also well understood that the same ingredient in apples that curb our appetite, called leptin, is produced in our bodies when we sleep.  What a coincidence.  Sleeping 7-9 hours a night will decrease heart attacks and diabetes’ risks.

Tons of information is available on feeling better, and feeling younger.  Time doesn’t revolve around us, we are servants of time.  Therefore, enjoy life to its fullest, be safe, and live healthy.

Friday, May 20, 2011

What are these bumps?

What are hives and what causes them?

Hives are itchy bumps on the skin that can be in different shapes and sizes.  We call hives, “urticaria.”  Hives can occur within a few minutes and can take several hours to fade away.

The severity of hives varies, for some people, hives occurs every day.  Others may have hives for only a few days to a few weeks.  Naturally, sensitive people who have hyper immune systems develop hives, especially those with hay fever or asthma.

There are many causes, mostly foods, airborne allergens, medicines, or infections.  It is difficult to pinpoint how one gets hives.  I remember developing hives after eating bananas.  After awhile, bananas didn’t affect me except cause a little itch on the roof of my mouth. 

It is unusual but also heat or cold, even pressure can elicit an allergic response that creates hives.  The distribution of the rash can give you a clue.  If hives occurs only in both lower legs, maybe socks or pants can be the culprit.

If the symptoms are too unbearable, try antihistamines over-the-counter.  Try to stay away from drying agents like calamine lotion.  There is nothing lotiony (is this a word?) about it.  Stick to Aquaphor ointment to keep your skin moist.  Like I said, moist skin doesn’t itch, but dry skin does.  Apply twice daily.  If you have moist skin, and are taking an antihistamine, and still have suffrage, start on some over-the-counter steroid cream. 

If all else fails, and you are itching so bad that your dog or cat is worried about you, call your doctor and let them know what all you have tried.  We would be more than happy to alleviate your suffering.  Until next time, be safe and healthy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Emotional Trauma and Inflammatory Bowel connection

When a person experiences an event that causes stress such as a loved one dying, witness to violence, victim of abuse, the trauma has a direct physiological effect on the body.  In addition to having an impairment of our cognition, our gastro-intestinal (GI) system takes a large hit.  With any trauma, we are more susceptible to gastric ulcers, more susceptible to inflammatory bowel disease.  A large amount of emotional trauma in childhood has been studied and directly linked to IBS, or inflammatory bowel syndrome.

Studies show that the severity of symptoms are directly related to the severity of the trauma.  Therefore, if we experienced a significant traumatic event, our GI system will have worse symptoms. 

Post-traumatic growth is a new psychological ideal where we observe how people learn to cope with certain issues, learn new insights, and acquire new strengths.  As time goes on, we change hopefully for the better.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Appropriate Blood pressure checks

When you check your blood pressure at work, at the grocery store, Wal-Mart, pharmacy, or anywhere in the public area, be aware that it is probably not going to be your normal blood pressure.  All of those places constitute a slight increase in your stress levels. 

When I have a patient monitor their blood pressures, i want them in their favorite chair in their favorite room.  Both feet must be on the floor.  Relax for 5 minutes, breathe nice and deep through the abdomen.  Take 3 blood pressures one minute apart, and average them out. 

The blood pressures will change every second.  So an average is a good way to estimate your normal range.  Pick a time, preferably before dinner, not within 30 minutes of eating or drinking anything to do your blood pressure.  You don't have to check it every time you get stressed and feel panicky.  In fact, a small squirt of Adrenaline in your body when you are stressed is normal.  If a bear was chasing you, you would need a high blood pressure to be able to climb a wall or tree, right?

I want to know if your blood pressure is elevated when you are resting and relaxing.  I like the blood pressure to be between 100 to 120s systolic over 60 to 70s diastolic.  Anything higher will be Prehypertension, Stage 1 and then Stage 2 Hypertension.  See your doctor ASAP if your numbers are higher.  Until next time, be safe and healthy!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fuel Up to Play 60

A program that encourages youth to eat healthy and stay active has been made with the National Dairy Council, NFL, and the US department of Agriculture.  The youth are encouraged to eat nutrient rich foods such as low-fat, fat free dairy, fruits, veggies, and whole grains.  They are also encouraged to be active and play at least 60 minutes every day.  This sounds like a promising program.  Harkening to days of old, children ran around outside all day.  Playing hopscotch, mirps, stuck in the mud, queenio, chants, and trades made childrens' imagination soar.  While playing video games indoors can help with eye to hand coordination, research doesn't show that it improves cognitive function like outdoor exercise.  Indoor games do not improve strong academic performance either. 

On the website students can take the pledge, learn from other students, track physical activity and healthy eating behaviors, and earn rewards.  I think I am going to approach our local school district and see if we can get this implemented.  Doing so at your own school district can make a difference!  Until next time, be safe and healthy!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Coenzyme Q-10 for Angina?

Angina can be a dangerous symptom.  When someone complains of chest pain, abdominal pain, right or left arm pain, we need to rule out heart issues.  These symptoms occur when your heart isn't getting enough oxygen.  Conventional medications doctors use to protect the heart include coronary artery dilators, like nitrates or calcium channel blockers.  We can also use beta blockers to relax the heart muscle so that the need for more oxygen is diminished. 

Alternative ways to assist your heart is to supplement coenzyme Q10 which is depleted in heart disease patients.  L-carnitine and magnesium also can be supplemented to improve energy metabolism. 

You can do easy home remedies to help as well like tilting the head of bed up 3-4 inches to decrease work load on the heart.  An Aspirin a day can seriously save your life.  If you have a heavy meal, spend a longer time than usual up to an hour to eat it.  It is known that exertion after eating can cause heart attacks.  Stop smoking as this greatly exacerbates angina.  Stop birth control pills as they can cause clots. 

If you have angina you should be seen in the ER immediately, and worked up by a Cardiologist.  Hope this helps.  Be safe and healthy.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Prone to clots?

You may have heard a story like this.  Totally normal person with no history of any medical problems suddenly develops a painful swelling reddened leg or arm.  Or a normal person without history of any medical problems suddenly has a stroke?  Or how about a totally normal person without history of any medical problems suddenly dropped dead?  These can seem extreme but in the medical field, we see these things occur.

Blood is meant to circulate throughout your body.  When the blood circulation slows down or stops, it can form clots.  Clots that travel can stop the blood flow in your brain, in your heart or extremities creating major symptoms.  Some people have genetic predisposition to having clots.  For instance, a mutation in certain genes, such as Factor V Leiden, can predispose one to have clots all the time. 

Preventing clots from forming is a common strategy whenever one is admitted to a hospital.  Avoid long periods of inactivity while on a long trip, during illness, or after surgery.  Walk around every couple hours.  Exercise your legs when you are sitting down at a desk.  If you smoke, quit, because smoke damages blood vessels and therefore increase the risk of blood clot.  Go to your doctor and see if you have any risk factors for blood clot or a family history.  It's a move that may save your life.  Until next time, Be Safe and Healthy!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Med School Memory 2

My favorite class by far was Gross Anatomy.  Our teacher was a big bear of a man but gentle as a cub.  He had black hair with specks of gray with a matching moustache.  I really had to strain to listen to him because he spoke in a hushed tone.  He always had a twinkle in his eye, as if talking about anatomy excited him.  He had a permanent smile even while he talked.  His lectures were long and boring but his demeanor and gentility made him a favorite. 

Each year the students at Creighton University School of Medicine have a memorial service for all the people we studied from in Gross Anatomy.  As a tribute of respect for both the people we studied, and to the family members, we have a touching ceremony to honor them appropriately.  We get to name each of our bodies.  We gave our lady the name "Ethel."  She was a small fragile 80 plus year old lady who was perfect for dissection.  She had the smallest amount of fat tissue of all the bodies.  Each day we dissected more and marvelled at how lucky we were to have such a fine specimen to learn from.  I met a good guy who was part of my team of 4 medical students.  We will call him, "Chad."  He was a like a California surfer boy.  Easy going, laid back, slightly longer hair, and easy smile who could play the guitar.  He and I really enjoyed Anatomy and we stayed late after classes and came in early on some days to go over what could possibly be on the test. 

My scrubs always smelled like formaldehyde.  I can still smell it if i think about it.  It permeated my car, and made dates miserable.  I didn't care.  I was in Heaven. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Treating Sleep Apnea

While the treatment of choice is a positive airway pressure device (PAP), other alternative therapies exist as well.  Using different body positions during sleep can help.  Using more pillows to keep your head elevated can open up the airway.  Some oral appliances can help but only if there is very mild sleep apnea. 

PAP therapy provides a constant flow of air into the lungs which helps you breathe freely.  I personally have tried a PAP machine to see how it affects sleep.  I have no problems with it.  It has a comfortable head gear, nose piece.  The benefits include improved energy and lower blood pressure.  Some who have sleep apnea and excessive daytime sleepiness will feel energized with better attentiveness. 

I hope all who understand the risks of sleep apnea and the assistance we have available for you.  I firmly believe the PAP machines are life savers. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Vitamin D recommendations

Every multivitamin I have picked up, i look at the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for certain minerals and vitamins.  The most important one that I pay attention to is the one that has the most research.  The most researched vitamin nowadays is Vitamin D.  The daily recommendations says to take 600 IUs daily, which amounts to less than 25 nanograms of Vitamin D.  The experts are saying Vitamin D intake should be around 2000-4000 IUs daily!  I tell all my patients to take a multivitamin AND Vitamin D3 supplement 2000IUs daily.  That will get them in between those requirements.  Taking a Vitamin D3 supplement will not get your levels up high right away.  It takes about 6 months to a year to actually feel any effects from adequate vitamin D intake. 

So be patient, and continue your vitamin D intake at 2000IUs daily, and pray that your energy improves, your heart improves, your bones and muscles improve.  That is all for now.  See ya'll later.

Sleep Apnea increases morbidity and mortality

Do you have excessive daytime sleepiness?  Do you snore loudly?  Do you gasp or choke during sleep?  Do you feel groggy and have morning headaches?  Do you feel depressed and irritable during the day?  Are you obese or a large neck?  All of these questions reflect increased risk for sleep apnea.  When your heart doesn't get the oxygen it needs, high blood pressure results.  Chronic high blood pressure creates irregular heart beats, increases risk of heart attack and stroke. 

The excessive daytime sleepiness complaint may seem benign to many people.  But daytime accidents or work related accidents can be related to sleepiness.  Talk with your doctor if you have any of these symptoms, and if a sleep disorder is diagnosed, you will probably do a sleep study.  This is where you go to a sleep lab and they will do their best to make you have a good night's sleep.  While you are sleeping we can monitor your heart beat, your sleep stage, your oxygen saturation.  We will be able to tell if you have true sleep apnea.   We will talk about treatment tomorrow.