Sunday, August 9, 2015

Single Daddisms

I could have made pasta without sauce as this is what my kids like. I don't know why I felt guilty thinking about making  some easy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for them. Those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were nearly my only source of protein during med school. 

But instead I took easy way out- picked up the phone and called Simple Simon's Pizza as they have never failed me.

The kids have spent all day hijacking the television and 99% of the house while I was in the office taking care of business, paying bills, researching, organizing, etc.  where did they get all the energy? And it's like their bodies absorb atmospheric adrenaline. 

I go check on them every 30 minutes to remind them to drink water because they can dehydrate so easily. 

And after dinner when it is my turn to be entertained and I go for history channel documentaries.  Safe, boring, and a natural sedative for these adrenaline soaked eyeballs of my children, These documentaries never fail me.

After a brief psychological battle with the kids regarding the remote control and ending with my victory I search Netflix channels for my favorite entertainment. 

Both kids crawl onto my lap and promptly fell asleep. It reminds me of reading Robbins Pathology textbook and easily falling asleep at midnight while in med school. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Nevada Academy of Family Physicians Summer CME

I will be attending the Nevada Academy of Family Physicians Summer CME meeting in Las Vegas this week.  Looking forward to some school, after a long year and a half of no vacation.  Have to get my Board Certification requirements updated. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Saying Goodbye

Ending of practice is complicated. I don't want to leave my patients without good care, yet I want to be with my patients. I want to have more time with my children, yet I feel like I have betrayed my patients.  In the seemingly never ending circle of guilt in my mind, I decided to write a letter to my CEO. 

June 5, 2015

To my beloved patients and staff of GRMC

One of my favorite authors, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions.  All life is an experiment.  The more experiments you make the better.  What if they are a little coarse, and you may get your coat soiled or torn?  What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice?  Up again; you shall never be afraid of a tumble.

My divorce has taken a tremendous toll on my spirit.  Affecting my childrens’ little spirits, this toll is more than I can physically bear.  The torment in their eyes when Daddy leaves, has no discrimination against the multitude of tortures it forces onto my heart.  When at the end of every visit, thoughts of betraying my children plague my soul deeply, I plead for mercy from God, freedom from heartache, rest and peace. 

I feel as if the Lord has opened my eyes to the correct journey now.  Although I am in a wonderful place already, surrounded by the most wonderful people on God’s green earth, my patients and staff, and all those who are entrusted to care, I have a new journey.  I must fulfill the obligations of being a responsible father and man.  I have enjoyed intensely, every one of you who believed in me, and trusted me with your care.  Those of you who knew what I was going through gave me strength and support I will never forget.  You, who gave me shelter and food during the darkest times of my life, I am forever indebted to. 

I plan to focus my energies on being available to my babies, as they desire to be with me all the time.  Therefore, I have given Ray Reynolds, CEO of GRMC my 60 days- notice, and my last clinic day is 8/1/15.  This isn’t permanent, as I may very well return.  But only after a new office manager has been hired.  Please understand and keep me close to your hearts and prayers.  God bless you and keep you close.

Forever humbled,
Justus Turner Peters MD

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Treating Pain

Sometimes physicians forget the power of medicine. I am happy that we have a variety of medications that can treat pain. And my patients are happy as well.   People have been treating their own pain since the beginning of mankind. They have been using all kinds of mixtures, poultices, herbs, and spells all for the sake of a quality of life. 

Fact tweeted, " @Fact: Marijuana is the oldest natural, purest, and healthiest pain relief medication in the world. It's use dates back to 10 B.C."

When it comes to side effects of some medications we would like to err on the side of safety. Pure natural plant products tend to have the least side effects.